League of Legends
Also, i would like to state my favorite Champions in LoL when i finally do play:Master Yi - If played right, this champion can be very powerfull
Urgot - The ultimate DPS. It can hurt like hell, and the countdown on his damage skill is so low that you might kill a weak enemy in 5 seconds
Fiddlesticks - Once again, if played right, this can be one hell of a nuke!
Annie - Also one hell of a nuke
good advice fiddlesticks all the way!
SvarSletI like LoL more myself.
I'm more of a MW2/BFBC kind of guy. Much prefer the now defunct UT3 though for imagery. That and it takes me back to the good ol days.
HoN Is The Best
SvarSletHoN is better of course, but LoL is good too... IMHO.
SvarSletVisit my blog sometimes!
lol owns. dr mundo! :>
SvarSletI kind of disagree here. I don't like playing mundo, but it may be because of my playing style. Also, he is freaking annoying with that healing skill :O
SvarSletsound good, have a look at mine!
SvarSletAha I've heard about these games so much, but never got a chance to play. I'll need to check them out
SvarSletLeague of Legens > HoN
SvarSletQuite frankly I don't like either of them, DOTA forever.
love HON
SvarSletwhat plays!!! ммммм.